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Environmental Policy

  1. COPRE is committed to using the Costa Rican Institute of Technical Standards (INTECO) as a reference framework for applying technical standards in environmental regulations. INTECO is recognized by Costa Rica as the national standardization body and the regional representative for ISO standardization.
  2. The INTE/ISO 14001:2015 standard serves as the reference framework for developing our environmental management system.
  3. Emissions generated by operations will be accounted for using the INTE/ISO 14064-1:2019 standard to calculate the greenhouse gases emitted by the company.
  4. The company is committed to participating in the Carbon Neutrality 2.0 Country Program in accordance with the INTE B5 standard and Decree N°41122-MINAE.
  5. Policies will be designed for recycling, reducing solid waste, and separating organic waste for revaluation.
  6. The responsible and efficient use of potable water and energy will be promoted.
  7. Measures will be implemented to mitigate the use of single-use plastics, cardboard, and paper in packaging processes.
  8. The company is committed to gradually reducing the combustion vehicle fleet, promoting the transition to more efficient and sustainable modes of transportation.
  9. Our employees will be trained, educated, and sensitized on environmental matters, fostering an organizational culture focused on sustainability.
  10. The company is committed to complying with all applicable legal regulations related to environmental matters in its operations.
  11. The scope of the environmental management system will be periodically reassessed, and continuous improvements will be proposed to ensure the effectiveness and appropriateness of the system in response to changes in the operational and regulatory environment.